從http://www.gizmohighway.com/autos/vw_beetle.htm來看, 有一段 "On July 21, 2003, the last old-style Volkswagen Beetle rolled of its production line in Puebla, Mexico. It was car number 21,529,464 of the model, and was immediately shipped of to the company's museum in Wolfsburg, Germany." 所以在 2003年 7月 21日, 有兩千一百多萬了 (21.5 million), 這一年半間應該可以達到 23 million, 甚至 25 million.
至於在 http://new.idsa.org/webmodules/articles/anmviewer.asp?a=851&print=yes 有一段說 "By 2004, 25 years after launch, total sales of it or its B&D descendants (there have been five or six redesigns) may be as high as 150 million, half again as many as the total number of VW Beetles sold in 60 years." 不過 75 million 可信度應該不高.
再看http://www.vwbeetle.org/briefhistory.php 之 Record breaker 處